Australian Expat In Singapore

Singapore is an amazing country and for Australian Expats in Singapore it is an idyllic place to visit. It’s got beautiful beaches and parks, great food, and a booming economy. It’s also close to home for Australians, which means we get to enjoy the best of both worlds when we move here! But you might be wondering: is Singapore really as good as it sounds? The answer is yes – but there are some things you’ll want to know before making the move.

What is the best way to get around Singapore?

Singapore is a small country, so it’s easy to get around. Taxis are convenient and reasonably priced, but you’ll want to avoid them during rush hour or if you’re in a hurry. Buses are cheap and can be crowded, but they’re also clean and safe–and they stop at designated bus stops instead of driving down the street looking for passengers like taxis do! The MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) system is clean, reliable and easy-to-navigate–just remember that your mobile phone needs to be unlocked before you go underground; otherwise your phone won’t work on the trains!

For those who prefer walking over taking public transportation every day of their lives: Uber/GrabCar drivers are everywhere here so finding one shouldn’t pose much difficulty at all

How do I find somewhere to live?

Renting a place to live in Singapore can be challenging. The most common type of apartment is the condominium, but there are also some other types you may want to consider if you’re looking for something more spacious or a bit more private.

A studio is basically an apartment that has one room and a bathroom, but no kitchen or living room (you’ll have to get those separately). A one-bedroom unit has one bedroom with its own bathroom and kitchenette (meaning there’s no full-size refrigerator). Two bedrooms means two bathrooms and kitchens–perfect if you have kids!

If you’re still looking for something bigger still, then consider renting an executive suite or penthouse instead; these usually include multiple bedrooms as well as large terraces overlooking the city skyline!

How can I get a job in Singapore?

Finding a job in Singapore is relatively easy. There are many online resources that can help you find jobs and apply for them, including:

  • Job websites like CareerOne or JobsDB
  • Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. You might also want to check out our guide on how to use social media for international job hunting!
  • Classified ads section of newspapers such as The Straits Times or Lianhe Zaobao (Chinese).

If you are applying for a position in Singapore, it’s important that you understand what kind of work permit will be required before accepting any offer; some employers may require an Employment Pass while others might prefer hiring non-citizens on student passes instead (see below).

What are the main rules and regulations for expats in Singapore?

Singapore is a great place to live, but it has its own set of rules and regulations. If you’re planning on moving there, here are some things you should know:

  • No chewing gum. It’s illegal in Singapore, so don’t even think about spitting out your gum on the street or anywhere else! You can get fined for doing so.
  • Don’t litter! This is another crime that will cost you money if caught doing so by law enforcement officers patrolling around town in cars or on bicycles (they are everywhere). Make sure not to throw any trash onto the ground if at all possible – use bins provided by businesses instead!
  • Jaywalking is also illegal – remember that pedestrians always have right-of-way over cars when crossing streets at crosswalks (which are marked with white stripes). If someone does jaywalk without looking both ways first then chances are high he/she will die immediately after stepping into traffic without seeing an approaching vehicle coming towards him/her at full speed.”

What are some common differences between life in Australia and life in Singapore?

  • Singapore is a very clean city.
  • Singapore is a very safe city.
  • Singapore is an expensive city to live in, but it’s worth it because of how much more convenient it makes your life.
  • You’ll find that there are plenty of parks and green spaces when you need some time outside of the hustle and bustle of city life, so don’t worry about missing out on nature too much!

Is it easy to send money back home from Singapore?

Sending money back home to Australia is easy. You can use an international money transfer service like TransferWise or Western Union, or you can send cash through one of the many ATM machines dotted around Singapore. The cost will depend on how much you’re sending and how quickly you need it to arrive, but generally speaking, it’s going to be cheaper if you send less than $2,000 AUD (or SGD).

The exchange rate used by banks and other financial institutions is different from those offered by currency exchange shops–and the difference can be significant! If possible, always use an exchange rate from a reputable bank instead of using a tourist-friendly rate offered by businesses that specialize in currency conversion services for tourists only.

How safe is it for women to walk around alone at night, or for couples to walk holding hands in public?

Singapore is a very safe city to live in, especially if you are an expat woman. Walking around alone at night is not an issue, as most of the time there will be people around you. If you do feel uncomfortable or unsafe, then there are plenty of taxis available on the streets which can take you home quickly without any problems.

Singapore also has many parks where couples can go for walks together without feeling like they are being judged by others around them. Couples can hold hands in public without fear because it’s normal here!

There are lots of great things about living here!

You’ll find that Singapore is a great place to live. It’s safe and clean, with beautiful weather and an excellent food culture. The people are friendly, too!

Singapore is also a fantastic environment for raising children–the government provides free child care as well as education until age 16 (and even longer if you want your child to go on to university). If you’re planning on starting your own business, Singapore has some of the most attractive tax incentives available anywhere in Asia.

Australian Expats in Singapore

We hope this guide has given you a taste of what it’s like to live in Singapore as an Australian expat. If it has inspired you to consider making the move, then we wish you all the best! For all your car rental requirements in either Australia or Singapore, ‘Compact Car Hire Brisbane‘ is worth considering


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